Amounting to what the company considers more capable wheel loaders its customers can simply “do…
Wheel Loaders Can Move Mountains
Think of a wheel loader and you probably think of the loaders you see running around a construction site loading rubble onto dump trucks. They do a great job too but did you know they were the teens of the family? The bobcat is probably the baby of the family and just like a baby that has learned to crawl, they zip all around the place – always under your feet.
If the bobcat is the baby of the family, you should see the grandpappy of the family. Compact loaders weigh in at around 10,000 pounds and draw around 50 horse power. The grandpappy’s weigh as much as 430,000 pounds and draw as much as 1500 horse power. That is one big machine – do the maths. That’s 43 times larger and 30 times more powerful.
Wheel loaders of that size of course are used in specialist roles such as mining and, yes, helping to move mountains – large hills anyway. One scoop load would fill a standard dump truck with plenty to spill over. Imagine the size of the wheels!
While these machines are giants in their class, the skills needed to operate them are not much greater than those required to operate a standard loader. Experience is the key to operating a machine of this size and that experience starts with a wheel loader training program that prepares you for the workplace.
ATS Heavy Equipment Operator Schools may not get you into the cab of one of these monsters straight away. They will, however, provide the training that can get you into the cab of a standard wheel loader where you can start to build the experience required. Discover more about our wheel loader training programs and the opportunities that await.
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