Truck drivers transport almost three-fourths of the country’s freight, and 80 percent of communities depend…
Truck Driving Jobs – All Boom No Bust
For most people, their work is a daily grind. Their jobs are relatively safe but the work often boring. For others, their careers may swing in boom and bust cycles. It’s hard to accuse truck driving of being either of those.
Is a truck driver’s job boring? It can be a little monotonous if you’re out on the highway – it’s just mile after mile of black ribbon. Truck drivers get used to it and they do find ways to amuse themselves. When it comes to driving in the city, or any major town, then the job is definitely not boring. Just avoiding other drivers can be a challenge, especially with some of the crazy drivers on our roads – they really do test the skills and patience of most truck drivers.
What about boom and bust? Truck driving is like most businesses, so the boom and bust cycles do have an affect. However, we all still eat and we all still want the basics like clothing, fuel, and furniture. Trucks are the one element that is common to all of those areas -in fact, trucks are generally involved with every product either from farm-gate to home or from port to the home. Of course, these products may go through several other sets of hand first – and every movement involves a truck.
Truck driving as a career is challenging, is often on a boom cycle more than a bust cycle, and pays very well. As a career, you can choose between local, intrastate, or interstate driving, and the range of truck sizes and configurations are huge. If you fancy yourself as a truck driver, then your first step is to source truck driver training to help you get your commercial drivers license – and that’s where we can help.
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