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Train On A Range Of Cranes For Better Skills

It is always wise to undertake training in such a way that you exit the training program with skills that make you employable whilst also providing as broad a base as possible. Crane operator training is a good example. You can train on just one type of crane, and you will become quite skilled in that crane’s operations, however, you will then be limited somewhat to that type of crane when it comes to employment options.

Being able to train on a range of cranes means you will have a wider skills base to take through to employment. This obviously increases your employment options. If you have a particular type of crane you want to operate, that’s fine, however, gaining skills and an employment history in crane operations should be your primary concern. Being selective is a luxury that comes with that history and experience.

ATS have a range of cranes that you can be trained to operate. This range includes:

    swing cab boom cranes,
    rough terrain boom cranes,
    fixed cab cranes,
    fixed boom trucks,
    lattice boom cranes, and
    articulated cranes.

Some of these cranes are fairly similar in looks and operations so it makes sense to gain some understanding of their individual traits. I’ve mentioned employment options, and it’s worth repeating – the wider the range of skills you have, the more job options you’ll have.

With ATS crane operator training, you also have the option to undertake NCCCO certification, a requirement to operate any crane in the workplace. With a wide range of machinery to learn on, NCCCO certification on offer, and long history of successful training under our belt, ATS becomes one of the best training options for anyone looking for a career in crane operations.

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