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There’s More To A Bulldozer Than Meets The Eye

Most people think of a bulldozer as a big heavy earth moving machine that spends its time pushing dirt around. While that is its primary function, bulldozers are actually quite versatile, especially if you step around back. What many people don’t realize is that a bulldozer can be fitted with tools at the rear; for example, single or multiple shank rippers. These are used, as the name suggests, to rip into the ground.

A bulldozer’s ripper has multiple uses, however, its primary use is to break open very hard ground. The ripper can also be used to tear up rock, concrete or sealed roads. The front dozer blades can then push through the material clearing the way for further work. Another attachment that is similar to a ripper can be added that helps to break apart tree stumps, a common activity when land is being cleared.

It’s also common for bulldozers to have scrapers, winches and even heavy weights added to the rear. The heavy weights provide more stability and traction when the equipment is used to push dirt in difficult situations. When learning to operate a bulldozer, you should become as familiar with the rear area and the attachments available as you are with the front. Bulldozer operators are often required to rip open hard packed surfaces before bulldozing the top layer away, a difficult task if you have only familiarized yourself with the front end.

Heavy equipment training provided by a well respected training organization will include some instruction on what the rear section of a bulldozer is used for. Bulldozers don’t just push dirt around. They do have other uses, and to be a good bulldozer operator you need to learn as much as possible about those alternatives.

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