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The Importance Of Choosing The Right Truck Driver Training School

When considering a new career, it’s important to thoroughly investigate the one group of people who will have the most influence on that career’s success. That group of people are those you entrust with your training. Get that first component wrong and your career is going to struggle to get off the ground. Get it right and your career is going to be off to a flying start. When it comes to truck driving, it’s not just your career that’s at stake, you are carrying cargo that is valuable to someone, and you are driving a vehicle that can cause a great deal of damage if mistakes are made.

Choosing a truck driver training school is not that difficult. Price is never a comparison tool when it comes to quality; it’s the people and the training programs that count. The easiest way to assess training schools is by asking former students. When it comes to truck driving, that can be difficult; they don’t exactly have an office you can visit.

There are several key areas that do indicate a quality truck driver training school. Longevity is one of the best guides – bad training schools just don’t stay in business for too long. You can also look at whether or not employers are willing to hire graduate drivers from a particular training school. Employers know which training schools are reliable, and they generally look at those schools when looking for new recruits to the industry. Finally, their recognition by third parties, for example, being endorsed to deliver training for government programs and being accredited by state education bodies.

Put all of that together and you have a good training school. A good truck driver training school will deliver training that has been designed according to industry, employer and legislative standards. This ensures graduate drivers are ready for entry level employment – employers know their new recruits are coming into the workplace trained to a set standards.

ATS Truck School can tick those boxes. ATS has been training truck drivers for almost fifty years – that’s a long time to be in the training business. ATS also has a job site where employers frequently post job vacancies. We also have a career services department that frequently works with employers to find the right recruits. We are also accredited to deliver training for a variety of government programs and have been registered as a training provider for many years.

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