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The Humble Farm Tractor Is No Longer A Tractor

The old farm tractors you see pottering around farms are a far cry from the latest models appearing in the showrooms. Tractors of old had three point linkages that really turned them into advanced towing machines; tow a plow for example.

Tractors now come with the ability to add scoop which means they can operate as small front end loaders. You can also add an arm and bucket which in effect turns them into a backhoe; in fact it is not just the bucket you can add, you can add any of the traditional backhoe attachments.

Most tractors now come with the ability to add a blade, similar to that of a bulldozer. Whilst they may not have the strength of a bulldozer, they can still do a lot of the lighter work, often faster and more efficiently than their larger cousins.

The old fashion tractor doesn’t cut it in the modern world now and the skills developed on these old tractors do not really prepare you for the modern day models. Even the cabs of the modern tractor are different. The come with all the mod cons like air conditioning, electronics, GPS and some even come with laser technology.

Learning to operate modern heavy equipment is not as difficult as it may seem. ATS Heavy Equipment Training Schools can provide all the training you require in heavy equipment to make you proficient in the operation of most types of machinery in use to day. Visit their site and request a brochure or free DVD on careers in heavy equipment.

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