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Its Sunday – Never A Day Of Rest For Heavy Equipment Owners

If your and owner operator of heavy equipment then you know it’s a seven day a week job. You may not be out on a site but you will probably be working on your equipment doing all the mundane routine jobs that never seem to get to done whilst working Monday-Friday and often on Saturday.

Maintenance is one of the most important parts of owning a piece of heavy equipment. It is also one of the most important aspects of an operators job. Simple things like low oil pressure, or low hydraulic fluids can make a huge impact on a machines performance, and more importantly, its lifespan.

Other areas that require constant attention include the ‘working’ components. For example, an excavater needs to dig so those digging tools need to be examined closely for any damage. Tires or tracks need to be examine for breakages,

To be an effective operator you need the skills and knowledge to not just operate the machine but also to be aware of how the machineis performing. ATS HEavy Equipment Training Schools can provide the training required to get your career started.

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