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Is National Accreditation Important To Heavy Equipment Training?

Many training schools go through a process of accreditation before delivering training programs. The heavy equipment training industry is no different. Some people ask whether or not accreditation really means anything and if it does, how does it benefit a student?

Accreditation is a process of checking to see whether or not a training school delivers training to a recognized curriculum. By using a set curriculum employers know exactly what areas have been covered in the training. In fact, it is those same employers that are often asked for input when a standard curriculum is being designed – after all, they are the employers, they know what skills they require from new heavy equipment graduates.

Training schools that are accredited are often able to deliver training programs under government funded programs. For example, ATS Heavy Equipment Operator Schools are accredited through the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). How does this benefit the student? Successful students are Nationally Certified by NCCER and receive certifications and credentials from NCCER for any of the accredited training programs.

Furthermore, we are currently certified as an eligible training provider under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) in most states. This designation allows us to participate in WIA funding programs administered by state’s Department of Workforce Development (DWD). If you are eligible, your heavy equipment training may be funded in part or completely by the government.

Some of our heavy equipment training schools are approved for the training of veterans under the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs. Students Eligible for Veterans Educational Benefits may use those benefits when attending these schools.

Once you have completed your training, the certificate you receive will be recognized in all states. This means you can seek employment in any state and be recognized as a qualified heavy equipment operator. Accreditation is important – it means your qualification is portable and recognized.

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