If you are looking to advance your career, get started in a new field, or…
Job Placement, a Crucial Part of your Training
Here at Associated Training Services we have a slightly different view on job placement to some other vocational training schools. We make the effort to offer job placement to our graduates as we feel that it is the best way to help people kick start their heavy equipment careers.
If you want to make a career of being a heavy equipment operator, now is the right time. The employment figures are good and it is possible to make a great living in this exciting line of work. People are drawn to heavy equipment jobs not just because they offer stable employment, but because the work is fun and rewarding. Getting your heavy equipment certification is the first step in what can be an outstanding career, but what a lot of vocational training schools forget is the importance of offering job placement. New schools simply may not have the connections and others might not feel that it is something that they need to be involved in, but here at Associated Training Services it is something that we take very seriously.
Job placement will get your foot in the door so to speak. You might find that you land a terrific job as a result of your job placement. The most important thing about it though is that it will be your first job after training. Practical and technical skills are very soon forgotten unless they are used. Job placement ensures that you are able to make the most of your skills as soon as you are certified. If you have any questions relating to our job placement procedures, please contact us at Associated Training Services.
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