On this Thanksgiving Day, Associated Training Services expresses gratitude to the diligent men and women…
How ATS Can Transform Your Career Options
There are tens of thousands of people sitting at home right now, all pondering a possible career change. Some are unemployed following the economic downturn that hit us all pretty hard while others are just bored or fed up with their current career and looking for a change. Associated Training Services (ATS) have, since 1959, helped thousands achieve new careers in either heavy equipment operations, truck driving, or crane operations – perhaps we can help you to build a new career.
The construction industry is one of the biggest employers of skilled operators of heavy equipment, cranes, and trucks, and while it too has its ups and downs, it is one of the first to recover from any recession. You only have to look at the billions of dollars the federal and state government have thrown into building new roads and bridges to see this. As the economy improves, factories, homes, and commercial centers are developed, all needing these skilled workers.
ATS prides itself on the reputation it has built over the last 50+ years. Quality is the key as our instructional staff, curriculum, equipment, and facilities all come together to deliver well-trained operators to industry. For students, we offer a variety of payment options, housing assistance for the duration of your training, and a well-trained career services department designed to help you find that all-important first job.
If you are interested in looking a little closer at a career as a truck driver, crane operator or heavy equipment operator, then contact us for more information. You can also call to arrange a visit to one of our training schools to see first hand what is involved with the training and the career options available to you.
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