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Hire Dump Truck Drivers

If you’re looking for dump truck drivers or dump truck driver jobs, there are plenty of them to go around. So where can you go to get hired to drive a dump truck? Here are five employers you should be able to find in your town.

  1. Construction Companies – Every construction company needs at least one qualified dump truck driver. When they excavate a location for a building, there will be an inevitable need for someone to take the excavated dirt and move it to a new area on the work site or off the work site altogether.
  2. Municipalities – Local city and county governments often need dump truck drivers for a variety of tasks. They haul dirt, rocks, asphalt, and a number of other materials from one location to another all day long.
  3. Paving/Seal Coating Companies – Paving companies not only work for cities and counties, but they work for commercial construction companies and private homeowners. They’ll often carry the material that is used to build parking lots and pave driveways. Seal coating companies patch driveways and parking lots. You’ll always be employed in this profession.
  4. Quarries – Dump truck drivers at quarries carry rocks, limestone, dirt, sediment, and a handful of other materials. Substances are often delivered to a dump site to be carried off as refuse, but you’ll often find yourself doing other types of interesting work, too.
  5. Truck Rental Companies – Many truck rental companies will not only rent the truck but the driver, too. If you want a more interesting job where you’ll be hauling different materials every day, try a truck rental company.

Interested in being a dump truck driver? Get your training today.

Comments (3)

  1. I can see why construction companies would be in constant need of gravel transportation. My wife and I have been planning on constructing a brand new house for our family. I wonder how much gravel will be necessary for the project.

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