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What A Great Career – Mobile Crane Operators To The Rescue

We seem to be having wild weather all around the world. Hurricanes, heavy snow with colder than average temperatures, and in the southern hemisphere, where it should be summer, they are having heavy rains with severe flooding. When you start to look at some of the news stories, heavy equipment like bulldozers and snow plows feature as do trucks, although in Europe and Australia many of them are stuck as they wait for the highways to clear. The one that stands out for me, though, are the mobile crane operators – what a great career they must have.

I notice several news stories from Australia where cars had been carried away as they tried to cross a flooded bridged. That water can certainly move quickly. But there were mobile cranes with their booms swung out across the flooded river, hauling those cars back to firmer ground. In England, there are similar scenes with vehicles skating off roads and ending up in all sorts of precarious positions. Again, it’s the mobile crane operator who has to work out how to get that car back onto safe ground. The car is often a complete write off. But you know what insurance companies are like … if they can’t have the car in front of them to do an assessment, then they often won’t pay out.

We have similar scenes here, and that’s what makes the job of a mobile crane operator so interesting. You just never know what sort of job you’ll be asked to do next. Some jobs are fairly standard, like lifting machinery into place, or lifting building materials around a work site. Other jobs can be dangerous and exciting and they can really be a test of the skills of an operator.

Learning to operate a mobile crane is not as difficult as most people think. Mobile crane operator training can be completed in three weeks and, following a successful assessment, graduates can also then be certified. Many states have made the certification of crane operators mandatory so completing the assessment is a step that should be seriously considered. If you are interested in a career that is interesting, has plenty of variety, and the occasional tough assignment, then consider the role of a mobile crane operator – they have it all.

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