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Financial Assistance for your training

You have seen the incredible opportunity the industry represents and know that is the career you want. You see the stability and earning power of such jobs, so it makes sense, but the problem is that adequate training is essential. While we at ATS do everything in our power to keep the costs as low as possible and offer financial assistance, we know that for some it remains a little out of reach. We believe that this is an opportunity for everyone though, it is a viable career that can lift you out of bad situations, which is why we go out of our way to make it as accessible as possible.

Depending on your financial situation we have a range of assistance options that can help you get the training you need to give you the career you deserve. Whatever your status we encourage you to look over the options available here, you will be surprised at what is available to help you get on your way to that career you want.

Firstly, many of our students are eligible for various state and federal grants for industry training. Schemes from both state and federal governments exist to encourage new workers in vital industries, and also to help workers transition from one industry to another, there are special schemes for Veterans at a federal level that can help tremendously, and finding out what options are available to you really should be the start of the process.

For all Veterans who attend our courses, we offer a housing voucher that covers the cost of accommodation during the course at the school’s housing facility. We do this in recognition of the service you have given us all.

For those who still have a shortfall in funding, we offer a career loan option, that can provide the solution, and with our graduates in demand within the industry, it is a sound investment.  In addition to career loans, we are also proud to be connected to the National Farmworkers Jobs Program, for those farmworkers looking to change the industry. If you qualify for this, we can help you with that program and any questions you may have.

Whatever your situation, we want you to have access to our training, because we know that once graduated, you will have a career that could, and often does, transform your life. We are proud of that and wish to ensure as many people as possible can truly benefit in the same way. If you want that new career, don’t be put off, there are ways to make it possible for you, through a range of government initiatives and our own financing options, you can make a start on that new career and succeed.

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