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Financial Aid Is Becoming Harder To Find

Retraining for a new career is becoming harder as many organizations that provide this funding start to run short. The Federal government has injected more funds into some of these budgets, however, this has really only scratched the surface. Many people currently in long term training may soon find their financial aid suspended. One of the benefits of short career courses is that the course is over and done with quickly.

Associated Training Services runs a number of career training programs including heavy equipment, truck driving and crane operator training. These training programs generally run over three weeks – in theory, you could be in the work force three weeks after starting your training. Of course, some of these training programs require licensing (truck driver CDL for example) so that start would be delayed. The point, however, is that you are not committed to six/nine/twelve months of training – training often without an income.

Because you can be back into the workforce quickly, there are a number of financial aid possibilities that could be accessed to cover your training costs. These include traditional career loans. While many people may balk at going into debt to cover the cost of training, the prospect of returning to work quickly with a good pay packet should allay some of those fears.

If financial difficulties are preventing you from making a career change, contact us at Associated Training Services. We have a number of financial aid options that we can take you through that can help to pay for some or all of your heavy equipment training.

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