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Dump Trucks Providing Year Round Work Opportunities

Dump truck drivers can generally find work all year round. In from spring through to fall there’s a lot of construction work across the country whilst in winter northern drivers are employed in a range of activities including snow and ice control (carting salt, for example). In the south, construction continues through winter, there’s hardly any let up at all. Some dump truck drivers have the best of both worlds – they spend their summer months in the milder northern regions and their winter months further south.

There is a shortage of truck drivers in general across the country, and that included dump truck driving. One of the disadvantages to sticking with just the one truck type is the competition, especially in winter. Some truck drivers opt for dump trucks because the work is local and they are able to spend more time with their families. Having said that, if you build up a good reputation as a dump truck driver, you’ll always be in work.

Driving a dump truck takes a different set of skills compared to most other trucks. The vehicle you’re driving tends to be shorter than most trucks, however, it can carry a lot of weight for its size. A dump truck driver will also need to learn dumping skills, and these can sometimes be quite tricky and require precision.

You can learn to become a dump truck driver in just a few weeks. ATS Heavy Equipment Training Schools have a proud truck driver training record that goes back 50 years. To survive this long, we have had to deliver truck driver training to industry standards. This means our graduates are ready to start work the moment they acquire their commercial drivers license.

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