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Do You Require OSHA Compliant Rigger Certification?

The construction industry has gone through considerable change over the last five years. A lot of changes have been forced through legislation that now mandates employers in respect to safety training, compliance, and the certification of many occupations. Crane operators were amongst the first to feel the effect of these changes, and in recent years riggers and signal persons have felt its effects.

To be employed on a construction site as a rigger, you now need some form of recognition of your skills and safety knowledge. This is generally achieved through training and certification. Many heavy equipment operators have been in the construction industry for years and have managed to seek certification (or qualification) based on that experience and the currency of their knowledge. Those who are now looking to take up positions as riggers (or signal persons) need the appropriate training and assessment in order to formally receive certification.

Training and certification is not a long process (three to four days depending on experience and knowledge) and can be completed as part of a group training exercise onsite, or as part of a class at a training school. ATS Heavy Equipment Operator Training Schools has been certified to deliver both the training and certification of riggers and signal persons. Certification is a nationally recognized award, which means successful individuals can work in any state without further training or assessment.

If you require OSHA-compliant rigger certification, then you (or your employer) should contact us for details on our training programs. If OSHA inspectors determine that employees have not met the minimum requirements to work as riggers, then that employer could be liable to large fines. The construction industry is constantly changing and the emphasis now is only making these workplaces safer for all. Rigger and signal person training is one of those areas that was targeted for change – are you OSHA compliant?

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