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Crane Operators Are Part Of A Team

The crane operator does spectacular things, hoisting heavy loads and accomplishing tasks like placing critical beams where the job requires it. But the crane operator doesn’t work alone because riggers and spotters are part of a team, making the whole unit successful. Without each member of that team, something bad could happen on the work site.

Riggers make sure the load is safely attached to the crane. The rigger’s job should be guiding the load, and keeping that load their priority.

Spotters make sure the crane is not going to hit any power lines or other hazards. They can’t guide the load, too, because they need to keep watch on the hazards. People have died when both rigging and spotting are done at once; all it takes is hitting a power line with the boom.

Crane operators need to be able to see both the rigger and the spotters at all times. Signals have to be clearly understood since the noise of the equipment messes up communicating by shouting. The operator uses the rigger and spotters as extra eyes to see what is going on and do the job safely.

All three positions on the team have to be filled by qualified people who were trained in all the safety procedures. Anything less than that is an accident waiting to happen. Associated Training Services provides that training and makes sure the certifications are earned. An ATS graduate has the knowledge and the training to be a part of the crane operation team and do it well. We schedule the NCCCO Certification regularly all through the year, so there’s no reason you can’t become part of this team of qualified professionals.

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