If you would like to have a career as an overhead crane operator, you will…
Crane Operator Training Needed To Give Economy A Lift
Over the past two weeks we have written about how and where some of the federal economic stimulus funding will be used and its association to construction and heavy equipment. There is little doubt that the need for heavy equipment operators will increase. When looking at the various spending packages, one thing has stood out and that is the number of bridges either being built or reconstructed. When it comes to bridge building you almost always need cranes and of course crane operators.
As with most other sectors of the construction industry, certified crane operators are going to be in demand. The question is – do we have enough certified crane operators to go around? I doubt it! Now is probably the best time to undertake crane operator training and to undertake the assessments required to become certified.
ATS Heavy Equipment Operator Schools are accredited to deliver crane operator training through our training facilities in Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Ohio and Colorado. Our crane operator training and certification program teaches individuals how operate both fixed cab and swing cab mobile hydraulic cranes.
One you graduates from the training program you can sit the written and practical test for certification through the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). The NCCCO crane operator certification is one of the most widely recognized crane operator certifications in the crane operator industry and required by many states before you can commence work as a crane operator.
Crane operators are amongst the highest paid heavy equipment operators in the country. The work is interesting and varied and provides a lot job satisfaction. With the shortage of crane operators on the horizon now could be the ideal time to make a career change. If you’re interested in crane operator training then feel free to contact us and we can help you determine the best training program for your circumstances.
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