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Become A Certified Mobile Crane Operator In Less Than A Month

When you look at machinery like bulldozers, excavators and mobile cranes, they look very complex and hard to understand. Whilst the principles behind each machine is fairly basic, the components that go together to make, say, a mobile crane, are very complex. However, just like a car, you don’t need to know how it works under the hood, you just need to know how to operate from inside the cab. And that is fairly straightforward. Did you know that mobile crane operator training only takes three weeks? That’s all you need – three weeks.

Becoming a certified mobile crane operator does take a little longer. After all, you do have to be assessed before being certified. So let’s add another week for the certification process. In total, four weeks to become a certified mobile crane operator ready to start work. It may sound like a whirlwind training regime, however, it’s not. If it was, you would struggle to get through the certification process.

Actually, ATS Crane Operator Training Schools have one of the best reputations for delivering well trained graduates to industry. Our training is thorough and includes in-the-cab training and practice and classroom-based learning in areas such as workplace safety. Our training has been accredited through the National Center for Construction Education Research (NCCER) and our training schools are licensed in their respective states. Crane operator certification is provided through the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO).

In short, our mobile crane operator training provides skills that are required by industry along with certification of those skills for those who pass the assessment process. Are you looking for a career change? Consider a career as a mobile crane operator. The pay is good, the work conditions great, and you can start in less than a month.

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