If you are looking to advance your career, get started in a new field, or…
ATS Helps Your Job Search
When you have graduated from ATS Heavy Equipment Operator Training School, you aren’t left to find jobs all by yourself. ATS helps with your job search. We make sure that students get the skills they need for the training program they choose, but also the skills and support they need to stay employed.
Here’s how:
Employment Assistance
From the moment you join ATS as a student, you have access to the best Employment Assistance in the heavy equipment industry. It starts with a personal interview to help figure out your career goals and the areas you are interested in working. All this information is used to create a custom packet for you at graduation that includes possible employers and jobs in the geographic area you want to live in, along with other helpful information about your skills and training to use when you apply.
The application process is also part of our career services training. Most heavy equipment operators would cheerfully admit they aren’t so great at the office-y part of the employment search, like resume writing and interviews. We help you get ready for that by teaching the “soft skills” you need to get through the hiring process and on the job site operating big machinery.
The Job Search Website
There’s more help available to our graduates in the form of The Job Site, Total Resources Network. This is a great way to keep in touch with what’s happening in your specialty, connect with employers or potential employers, post your resume and look for jobs. You can filter the database for location or other criteria and it’s pretty much one of the best tools you have in your job search.
As a graduate of
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