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Are Your Riggers And Signal-Persons Singing From The Same Songbook?

If you visit a number of construction sites, there is one thing they may have in common – they all use a different language when it comes to hand signals. This often occurs when a team has worked together for a long period of time. Informal hands signals start to creep in, often because they are thought to be easier than the industry standard signals.

Industry standards are important. To begin with, they are portable so a worker can work on any site and they will be using the same language as everyone else. In fact, your English skills may be barely adequate, but your hand signals will be clearly understood by everyone. Industry standards are also important as they are generally deemed to be the clearest and easiest to learn by all.

If you employ riggers and signal persons, do they use the industry standard hand signals? It is now compulsory for workers in these areas to hold an OSHA qualification for their positions. This qualification is a way of recognizing the skills that each employee has in their field, and that they meet national minimal standards. Hand signals are an important component of a rigger’s and signal person’s working life.

For employers who have workers in either one (or both) of these fields, you need to ensure they all hold an OSHA qualification for riggers or signal persons. If they don’t, you may be subject to legal action resulting in quite large fines. Associated Training Services has a number of programs designed to qualify riggers and signal persons. These programs can be delivered either at your workplace or in our training schools. Upon completion of the programs, your employees will be eligible for compliance cards, thus meeting the new labor law requirements.

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