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5 Uses for a Backhoe

One of the most versatile machines on any work site is the backhoe. If you look at it, it resembles a huge metal spider. But I’ve never met anyone who knew how to operate a backhoe who didn’t also enjoy operating one. Here are five ways you can use a backhoe to get the job done.

  1. Dig a Trench – Backhoes have a bucket on one end that is perfect for digging. You stick the teeth into the ground and dig up the dirt. You can maneuver your backhoe down a line to build a trench for piping.
  2. Uproot a Tree – If you’ve never seen anyone pull up a tree before with a backhoe, you’re missing a sweet treat for your eyes. It’s even more fun to be the one operating the backhoe.
  3. Grade a Road – There is a plow on the opposite end from the bucket. Just by pushing that plow along an even plane on a road, you can grade it, make it smooth, and put a smile on a lot of auto drivers’ faces.
  4. Push Dirt – Just about every worksite has a need for dirt to be pushed out of the way. After digging, the dirt usually piles up. Then you have to push it aside to carry on with the rest of the job. You can use your plow to push the dirt.
  5. Plow Snow – Backhoes are also good for plowing snow. Just take that plow and clear the roads.

What can you think of to do with a backhoe?

Comments (1)

  1. This is lame. there are hundreds of things you can do with a backhoe. I have plowed the garden with mine. I drag a I beam to level the lot or even a heavy chain can be slung between an outrigger and the bucket to shape up loose soil on a ditch bank. A TLB can change its center of gravity making it possible too maneuver in rough or sloping terrain. Is the front tire flat? You can extent the rear bucket to the side and take enough weight off that tire to drive it to the air compressor. But mostly if you want to be a real operator learn to use a 5 lever control. Wobble sticks don,t have the versatility to allow you to push yourself while using the front bucket at the same time, which is handy when you are mired up in muck.

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